7 Apps That Will Help You Increase Your Productivity

7 Apps That Will Help You Increase Your Productivity

Increasing your productivity is probably something that you think about a lot. No matter what kind of work you are doing, it’s important to get as muc

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Increasing your productivity is probably something that you think about a lot. No matter what kind of work you are doing, it’s important to get as much work done as possible in order to meet your quotas at work, make enough income to get by, or to get your personal tasks done that need to get done. However, you might not want to do that work yourself. Why not have an app increase your productivity for you? There are tons of mobile apps that are available that can increase your productivity drastically and that can ensure that you get the work done that needs to get done. Keep reading down below to learn more about the top apps that you need to download if you want a big boost in your productivity levels.

1. Inkflow

If you think with your vision, then Inkflow is definitely the productivity app that you’ve got to get your hands on. You are going to be able to use this app to scratch down and sketch out those ideas that come to your mind in the middle of the day. We all have those times when we might have a life-changing idea and we don’t exactly know how to put it into words. When you have Inkflow on your phone, you can just open up the app and automatically sketch out what’s going on in your brain to be checked on later.

2. RescueTime

Now, with this next app, the base of it is free and you’ll get everything you need with that base. However, you will also be able to get the paid option and gain access to even more productivity features. This app is going to break down how you are spending your time on the Internet. It’s going to send you weekly reports of what sites you are visiting and how productive you are while you are on your computer. Now, this is perfect for those of you who do freelance work and you spend most of your work time with tons of distractions in front of you on your computer.

3. Evernote

Evernote is basically the best note-taking app that you’re going to find on the market. You are going to be super productive once you have Evernote in your toolbox of productivity. Evernote allows you to take notes in any form of ways. You can type out your notes, you can draw them, or you can take voice notes. There are also tons of ways that you can organize your various folders of notes. For example, if you have multiple projects going on, you can take notes of the various meetings that take place for each project and put them in separate folders.

4. Any.do

Any.do is the only to-do list that you’re ever going to need again. These kinds of apps that are developed by https://www.issart.com/en/ are absolutely fantastic for your productivity. You know how many to-dos lists you go through on a weekly basis. You might write about the stuff that you have to do on any given day and then you might not get anything done at list. When you have Any.do, you can have a main to-do list that you can access wherever you might find yourself. If you’re traveling around and you don’t want to carry around a piece of paper with your to-do list on it, then Any.do is going to be there for you.

5. Focusbooster

Did you know that there’s a theory of productivity which says that spurts of 25-minute-long working times mixed in with some short breaks is the best way of getting work done? This is a technique that’s at the center of Focusbooster. You will be able to time yourself while working to ensure that you’re working along to this 25-minute working technique. You’re going to be so productive with this one!

6. Mailbox

One of the worst time-eaters that you have to worry about are your emails. You probably spend hours every day just looking through all of those emails and trying to keep everything organized. That’s where Mailbox comes into play. Mailbox is going to organize all of your emails into a simple format so that you can get through all of them, reply accordingly, and keep things organized and neat.

7. Lift

And lastly, we have an app that’s going to help you turn all of those goals you have in your head into actionable items. You are going to be able to track your progress towards achieving each goal and ensure that you actually get there. How many times have you set a goal for yourself only to find that you never made any progress towards actually achieving it? This app is going to help you get on the path towards achieving all of your goals.

There you have it! When you want to get a big boost in your productivity levels, then these are the apps that you’ve got to have on your phone and on your computer. Which will you try out first?