How to block all display ads on Android device

How to block all display ads on Android device

According most existing Android users now is the emergence of advertising is a big problem for some result ads will make the device more slowed when b

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According most existing Android users now is the emergence of advertising is a big problem for some result ads will make the device more slowed when browsing and very slow performance if the device has contain the adware this case normally happen if your installing Android apk’s not from Playstore, and also for the internet data usage will be quickly decreased for displayed ads only, but in this case not all ads can be blame, like the static ads that does not disrupt and generally it will not affect in performance of smartphones at all.

For now many applications that offer functionality for block the ads, but only some are working properly, to get maximum results you must embed the main command to block ads displayed in the system firmware, for that is require Root access before, so before applying this tutorial your device must be in Root conditions, if not this tutorial can’t be work.


1. Make sure the device already Full Root access, and installed Android apk with the ability can modify and add files into the system like Root Explorer, ES file explorer, or similar applications which can be downloaded for free and safe from Playstore.
2. Download blocked ads file HERE.
3. Extract the files that are already downloaded, next copy or move file called “Hosts” into the System/etc.
4. Replace the file with permissions rw-r-r or like this.

5. Reboot your device, then you never seen the displaying ads again.

For you know this tutorial has potential to make your device bootloop, so follow this tutorial carefully, also this tutorial can apply for all types of Android smartphones right now with the various versions of Android OS, but keep mind for the main requirement your device must already have to Root access before, and if you want to disable this feature.